Offham Primary School

Rainbows (EYFS)

Our Class teacher is Mrs Russell and our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Whyman.

Term 2

Phonics: This term the children will be consolidating their phonics knowledge through revising the phase 2 sounds along with the phase 2 harder to read and spell words. Alongside recognising the graphemes we will be consolidating their formation of the sounds to support the children with their writing. During this term there will be a real focus on the children developing their skills of segmenting and blending. This will then support the children with their reading skills, particularly encouraging the children to develop fluency as they read.  As a result of reviewing our phonics this term the children will be getting the same books that they may have already read at home. Please re-read these books and support the children with their segmenting and blending. Each week the children will be getting a new reading book that incorporates the sounds learnt during the phonics lesson that week. Please can this be in the book bag every day, we will be changing these on a Monday and Thursday.

Writing: For the children this term their writing will consist of accurate letter formation, name writing and beginning to record sounds in words when given. Writing will part of our daily phonics lesson where the children will use the letter formation rhyme to help them form their letters accurately. We will will also be encouraging the children to begin writing cvc words and having a go at labelling.

Reading: The children will have a daily reading lesson based around a focus book. Each week the children will learn a new book and will begin to develop skills associated with reading and understanding texts. We will be sharing the books: Pumpkin Soup, The Gingerbread Man, Standing Up To Racism, The Invisible and Celebrations around the world. During our reading lessons we will be looking at the vocabulary used within these books, we will be looking at making predictions about the book and talking about our ideas linked to the text. We will be doing lots of drama within our reading lessons, to promote children's engagement with the texts. 

Maths: The children will have a maths lesson 3 times a week, during these lessons we will be exploring the composition of the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We will be identifying 1 less than a number. We will learn about and explore the shapes circles and triangles. We will then learn about the numbers 4 and 5, we will explore how these numbers can be represented, 1 more and 1 less than the given numbers and will then learn about the composition of these numbers. We will then learn about shapes with 4 sides, we will identify and name shapes with 4 sides and will look for shapes with 4 sides in the environement. 

PE: In PE the children will be using different body parts to demonstrate stillness. Using our bodies to create big and small shapes, stretching and curling using apparatus. Then we will also be using the apparatus to explore travelling and creating moments of stillness. 

Our PE lesson is on Friday, please ensure that your child comes into school wearing the appropriate Offham PE kit on this day with earrings removed before coming to school. 

Foundation lessons: This term the children will be exploring different emotions, linking this closely to the zones of regulation and identifying strategies to help the children if they experience any of these emotions. They will be manipulating dough to twist, roll and stretch in order to create something from their imaginations. The children will begin to understand that they belong to different communities and groups. They will be encouraged to talk about their own families, discussing routines and celebrations relevant to each other. They will be drawing with increased accuracy, and will begin to develop awareness of including detail in drawings, for example when drawing a self portrait. They will be learning about the importance of families in helping us to grow up and ensuring that we are happy and safe. The children will learn about special places and will think about why these places are special. They will learn about the school value of resilience and how we can use this to help us to challenge ourselves with new experiences. We will learn about the days of the week, months of the year and the celebration of New Year. We will learn about different celebrations and will look at other countries and how they may celebrate in different ways and have different beliefs and ideas to ourselves. 

Forest School: We will be doing forest school every week in rainbows. This will be on the school field for most of the term except week  and  of the term when the children will go over to the forest school setting and have a forest school session led by Miss Knight (Forest school leader) 

Our Forest School sessions will be held on a Thursday morning, the children will need to come to school in forest school clothing in preparation for this. Please could you ensure that you send the children in with their waterproof clothing (and thermals when it is cold) for our forest school sessions. They will inevitably get muddy but this is all part of the enjoyment of being outdoors. We will keep their wellies at school.

Library: On Wednesday, we will visit the Library. Please send in your child's old book to be changed then, your child will not be issued a new library book until we have received the old ones back.

Reading books: Your child will bring home reading books linked directly to the phonics teaching in class.

We will be changing the reading books on a Monday and Thursday.

Early books allow children to learn how stories are structured including: how to turn pages and the order and direction in which they read without the pressure of too many words. Children will enjoy talking about what they can see and making links to some of their own experiences.

 Activities and ideas when you are reading with your child:

  • Allow your child to organise and hold the book themselves.
  • Allow them to turn the pages.
  • Respond to your child’s ideas by repeating their ideas back and introducing new words to increase their vocabulary.
  • Look at the front cover and discuss the title with your child.
  • Talk about any similar experience your child has had that might relate to their book/story.
  • Encourage your child to add in suitable sounds and actions whilst telling the story.
  • Ask your child to point to things that can be seen on the page e.g. The orange cat.


Rainbow Class Pupil Offer 

Pupil Offer Rainbows (EYFS)

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